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Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France
Articles on Abdul-Jalil: The Man Who Turns Hits Into Million$, One Special Case, ESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2, ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent, Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference, Oakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,
Email Abdul-Jalil here
As many of you know, the food give-aways with KPFA Radio Station in Berkeley, California has been one great sucess after another,- INCREDIBLE SUCCESS alhamdu’lillah. You can listen to or download the broadcast on EarTyme of the PSA for the Free Food Donation for July 2, 2009, by clicking the link. Everyone came from miles around and was treated with as much food and flowers as they could pack, including the staff at Pacifica Radio Corporate and KPFA al’hamdu’lillah. This event was sponsored by Masjid al-Islam– The Oakland Islamic Center-, Masjidul Waritheen– , Jama’atus Salaam– , Go Wireless, Emad’s Tune Up, and The Justice For Ali Campaign– all of Oakland.
KPFA’s employees now want to do this donation on a weekly basis after the overwhelming back-to-back-to back successes of the previous public food give-aways that had people calling and coming from as far away as Santa Barbara and north/east to Oregon and Nevada. There are no words to express the sincere gratitude and “Thanks” conveyed on the part of the public and the employees and staff at Pacifica Radio and KPFA. JOB WELL DONE Masjids!!! The June 25, 2009 event was sponsored by Masjid Tasbeeh, The Muslim Community Center, Jama’atus Salaam, Go Wireless, Emad’s Tune Up, and The Justice For Ali Campaign. These type of promotions are impossible without their involvement in these efforts, insha’Allah. This is incredible Dawah! Jazzak Allah Khair Khayrun.On several occassions I have pointed out to many people at Pacifica/KPFA, a young man standing next to Snoop Dogg in a framed picture proudly displayed on the main wall outside their main conference room, from a rally to save Tookie Williams from execution held in November 2005. That young man is Imam Abu Qadir al-Amin. They were even more humbled when they acknowledged that he and the Muslim Community Canter was one of the sponsors for this event. You can listen to or download the broadcasts of the PSA for the Free Food Donation for June 25, 2009 by clicking this link.
The “Thank You’s” to the Masajids and Muslims businesses; Masjid al-Islam, Masjidul Waritheen, and the Oakland Islamic Center, as well as Muslim business owners Go Wireless Mobile and Emad’s Tune Up, all of Oakland, California for their invaluable support in providing all the food and floral decorations with 100’s of bouquets of flowers and more for the “Nadra Foster Benefit” at La Pena Restaurant in Berkeley was aired live on the “Full Circle Show” with Host Joy Moore on Friday, June 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM. Jazzak Allah Khair Khayrun. Part 2 of that broadcast will be tomorrow at 7:00 pm on KPFA. Oddly enough, while the broadcast was being aired, unbeknownst to the crew, Khalil Yasin was there providing food and refreshments for them for their enjoyment after the show. They still have not stop thanking him and the above mentioned parties. You can listen to or download the broadcast of the “Thank You’s” mentioned above by clicking on this link. Be sure and spread the word to support and acknowledge the Dawah these masajids and businesses are doing for our communities and Islam.
Masjid Tasbeeh– Oakland, The Muslim Community Center– San Francisco, and Jama’atus Salaam– Oakland, Go Wireless, Emad’s Tune Up, and The Justice For Ali Campaign– all of Oakland, and Muslim Student Association of U. C. Berkeley recently sponsored one at the Black Dot Cafe with KPFA’s Hard Knock Radio, Full Circle, Block Report Radio Programs, masha’Allah. This group of radio programs and organizations announced their “Thank You’s” to the islamic groups on air and published them in this weeks Bay View Newspaper in San Francisco and wants to have the donations all over Northern California on a weekly basis! After the overwhelming success of that event, I received the following email requesting to have two more at locations in Oakland and another two in San Francisco. They want to do a news story on the Dawah efforts of the Masajids and businesses that make this all possible. I ask that you, as members of these communities, make the decision, and if you decide to go forward with the events which the radio station programs will promote, I ask that you be present to hand out food with the members of your community and share in the interviews with the respective Imams, Shayks, and Amirs and photos for the news story. Here’s the email:From: POCC Block Report Radio <blockreportradio@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM
Subject: re: Food Giveaways Greetings Abdul Jalil, T-Kash is going to do the on-air thank you’s to the donors of the POCC Grocery Giveaway, on KPFA’s Friday Night Vibe, this week, which airs between 12-2am. Also I would like to know if we could do the food giveaway on July 23rd in East Oakland at the Manzanita Rec Center on 22 Ave and East 27th at 4pm and on July 30th at the Black Dot. I will also write an article and take photos at these upcoming events so that I can write a story that is published in the August edition of the Bay View. We will use the story to also thank the donors. Let me know what you think. JR
Download now or listen on posterous
KPFA- Trader Joe’s, Islamic Ctr., Emad’s, Go Wireless _Thank You’s 9-12-09.mp3 (1231 KB)
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ASA. Your services in the community is simply wonderful, alhamdulillah. Continue you good deeds and may Allah continue to bless you to help the communities, insha allah. Shukron.