Surah Al-Insan says: “And they are those who give food – in spite of their own need , to the needy, and the orphan, and the captive, [saying in their hearts], “We only feed you for the sake of God, and we desire nothing in return from you, not even a word of thanks’’ (76:8-9).

As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu wa Jazzak Allah Khair Khayrun,

AARON & MARGARET WALLACE FOUNDATION, (AMWF) would like to wish you all the very BEST and May ALLAH accept your good deeds and grant you and your families forgiveness!

AMWF, Muslims Giving Relief, Reflection, Gratefulness and Celebration! 
We recognized this as a time in which we needed to consult fully with ALLAH (SWT) on everything rather than on our human, flawed selves, which is why we pray, fast, turn to the Qur’an and beg our Lord’s guidance. In doing so, we come near to Allah as we have learned what it means to be content in all circumstances, whether having everything and comfortable or in having nothing and struggling. We have to gain a greater appreciation for the plight of the needy, the poor! Whether the working poor that can’t make ends meet, to the refugee with nothing, to the homeless, we MUST recognize their right to dignity and a decent life. It can not possibly hurt any of the able to help or support us who do. So how can ANYONE, much less the leaders of some major Masjids, take food from the mouths of the needy, or clothes from the backs of the needy DURING RAMADAN?!!!! Astaghfirullah!! More to come, iA. 
And (commanding you): “Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every owner of grace (i.e. the one who helps and serves needy and deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good words). But if you turn away, then I fear for you the torment of a Great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).” [Hud 11:3]
We are quick to rally around relief for a foreign war or a natural disaster, but ignore the personal tragedies

within the Muslim communities right here at home. You don’t have to donate money, food, clothing, other goods and services to Syria or Iraq that is NEVER going to get there, especially when we have our own Syria and Iraq in the Muslim communities right here, starting with the person praying next to you, the brother that has no job, the abused sister that has no here to go, the youth that’s cutting school and using drugs! The leaders of these Masjids do not want to acknowledge this and in doing so, fail and refuse to take into consideration that this is their, the Masjids OBLIGATION from Allah (SWT)! The Masjids are not just “a building” without a soul and none in it with a soul, it’s suppose to be the center of the community and the lives it serves- ALL community members at large, NOT just Muslims!
We are grateful to ALLAH (SWT) for having touched the hearts of those who embody the God mandated mission and commitment to ALLAH’S principles that we as servants of ALLAH (SWT) must fulfill. 
You can make your check payable to: AARON & MARGARET WALLACE FOUNDATION (AMWF), 4200 Park Blvd, Ste# 116, Oakland, CA  94602; you can donate with Paypal email to: amwft@amwftrust.org, or our PayPal Fundraising Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SE6DGFDH9XVKL

FaceBook Fundrazr
AMWF has a 100% donation policy, and we are transparent about how we use donations.
May Allah (swt) bless you for your ZakatSadaqah and Sadaqah Jariya donations, iA!

You can view the AARON & MARGARET WALLACE FOUNDATION, (AMWF) video of Imam Zaid Shakir and the Lighthouse Mosque of Oakland, Ca., https://youtu.be/Ez8Wse1ghXU


Berkeley Masjid in Berkeley, Ca, iA, at:

Noor Islamic & Cultural Community Center at:


the CALIFA’s – (Center for Advance Learning Improving Family Awareness) Vallejo, CA at: https://youtu.be/MVXeno23U9I


Muslimas Free Food Giveaway at Masjid al-Islam at:

Masjidul Waritheen in Oakland, CA, at: https://youtu.be/VtFKhaXFhqk

Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back. The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation really catered to everyone Saturday, August 6, 2011 at the “Oakland’s Got Talent” event at DeFermery Park. We distributed $25,000 worth of groceries FREE to ALL that came, “Fresh Start” Backpack Giveaway with 5,000 FREE Backpacks filled with school supplies, haircuts, manicures, health services, picnic Bar-B-Q lunch, games, entertainment, etc.


    The second one is Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift Back Packs.


    You can view the following Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”:

    Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation 


    Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 1 


    Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 2 


    Here’s the ABC-TV broadcast of our “Community Movement Toward Improvement” Music Conference in Oakland, California featuring MC Hammer, Martin Wyatt-KGO TV, Mohammed (MTV Real World-SF), Sway, Imani, Davey D, Raphael Saadiq- Tony Toni Tone, Greg Khalid Peck- Warner Bros,Karen Lee- Warner Bros Music, Eric B, Rico Cassanova, Abdul-Jalil,Tony Collins- Giant Records, Anita Greathouse-Knight, Gene Shelton, Lenny Williams,Thembisa Mshaka, Roy Tesfaye-Death Row Records shown in ABC-TV news clip.


    Here’s the “I Know You’ll Love Oakland” Commercial for the City of Oakland Image Campaign.


    Here’s Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson’s City Urban Economic Development Conference Commercial: 


Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks


Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back


Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader


Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland


Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Santa Fe Elementary LilCaesars Pizza Part 1


Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Santa Fe Elementary LilCaesars Pizza Part 2


Abdul-Jalil Honored in Port Au-Prince, Haiti and Miami, Fla. for Relief Missions to Haiti

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Emeryville KPFA Interview Video


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Emeryville Customer Appreciation


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Alameda Customer Appreciation


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Entourage & Randy Holland in Trader Joe’s Pinole “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show


Abdul-Jalil Honored in Port Au-Prince, Haiti and Miami, Fla. for Relief Missions to Haiti

Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil

    Here’s the link to the YouTube video from radio station KPFA’s July 17, 2010 broadcast with Tom Frainier, a Haas boardmember and owner of SemiFreddis; with Cal Haas Business School student Gian “G” Pepe of Pepe International/Little Napoli Resturant/Carmel Bakery discussing Haas School of Business, the Y.E.A.H. Program, The Bread Project and giving back to the community. The video includes lots of good stuff on the Bread Project with some very appetizing shots of their products and it will make you hungry for some of your delectable wares upon watching! All the folks at Haas Business School have been in love with it for some time now.


Dr. Kenya Numan discuss AMWF relief missions to Haiti on KPFA Radio Part 1, https://youtu.be/GsgrngbfHn8

Dr. Kenya Numan discuss AMWF relief missions to Haiti on KPFA Radio Part 2, https://youtu.be/HGsdfrxvPZE

Dr. Kenya Numan discuss AMWF relief missions to Haiti on KPFA Radio Part 3, https://youtu.be/IK-g9wSqiyo

Dr. Kenya Numan discuss AMWF relief missions to Haiti on KPFA Radio Part 4, https://youtu.be/w1r4Kwc-wpQ




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